a dystopian sci-fi comic

Control and surveillance are the laws of the Sky Empire. Drake, a boy from district 3 called Rust City, suffers from amnesia and takes dangerous drugs to dream about a

long-desired person. When forgotten events start to repeat themselves, he sets out to find the truth at all costs.

RUST CITY is a webcomic, which is uploaded every Sunday on this website. 

Accordingly, it's updated here on my Patreon for the uncensored version.

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a way to join your favourite creator's community and pay them for making their project - for me, it's creating RUST CITY.

You can pay a few buckets starting at 1 $ per month . In return, you get exclusivecontent like the uncensored comic version as download every week

- and much more!

Rust City is also available on Tapas and Webtoon!

Do you want to stay updated?

Follow Rust City on Instagram.

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